Health & Safety
In-person participants can attend with confidence, knowing health and safety of attendees is a top priority at CBM + RELIABILITY CONNECT Conferences.
As an in-person attendee, your safety is our top priority. We have developed the following guidelines and we require that attendees strictly adhere to all guidance in order to make our 2022 events safe, secure and enjoyable for all.
In-Person Safety Guidelines:
- For the safety of all attendees, whether vaccinated or not, face masks are required during registration and networking in meeting areas, unless you are seated at your individual desk or during meals.
- We have developed specific seating arrangements to allow comfortable and appropriate space throughout the meeting space.
- Practice proper sanitation measures, which include using our widely provided hand sanitizers and wiping down frequently touched surfaces in your seating area.
- Assess your personal health prior to arrival, so that you can confirm body temperature below 100.4 F, no new cough, no shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, no loss of taste or smell, no chills, and no sore throat.
- Lastly, prior to arrival, confirm that you have not had close contact in the last 14 days with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 or been advised to isolate or quarantine at the time of our in-person event.
CBM + RELIABILITY CONNECT Conference supports the health and well-being of its community and has collaborated with the hotel to develop safety protocols and measures designed to minimize the risk of COVID-19 infections. Despite our efforts to minimize the risk of COVID-19 infections, it is impossible to eliminate the possibility that you could be exposed to or contract COVID-19 while participating in the CBM + RELIABILITY CONNECT Conference onsite event. Further, attendees acknowledge that their attendance is voluntary, that they assume any and all risk associated with attending, and that they hold CBM + RELIABILITY CONNECT Conference and its employees, agents, and attendees harmless against any claims arising from their attendance.