PWS1: 5 Pillars Workshop: Maintenance and Reliability Best Practice Concepts

Jeff Shiver, President, People and Processes, Inc.


Are you serious about becoming successful with the Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices? Wanting to learn more? If so, you and your team can’t miss this interactive overview covering the Five Pillars of the Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices. Join Jeff Shiver CMRP, CRL for this workshop where we discuss the Best Practice concepts and their implementation. As a practitioner, Jeff served on the Society for Maintenance and Reliability Body of Knowledge committee working to develop and share knowledge related to the Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices. Pillars and topics to be addressed include:


• Translating Business and Management goals

  • Creating and Implementing the Strategic Roadmap
  • KPIs – We measure what we treasure
  • Communicating for change

• Reliability in the Manufacturing Process

  • Standardized work & business processes
  • Continuous improvement
  • Managing change

• Asset Reliability

  • Tools to drive reliability

• Organizing and Leading for Change

  • Organizational alignment
  • Training and development
  • Leading people

• Work Execution Management

  • The process
  • Establishing priorities
  • Systems
  • Supporting functions


Jeff Shiver CMRP, CPMM, Certified RCM2 & RCM3 Practitioner
Jeff Shiver guides people and organizations to success in the Reliability Best Practices. Working together in partnership, we move beyond the status quo in culture, business results, and most importantly, people.
Jeff has over 25 years of practitioner experience. Within Mars North America, he worked at four plant locations and held two corporate roles. Job functions included Engineering, Maintenance, and Operations management. Before Mars, he held contract engineering positions at Proctor and Gamble, and IBM.
Founding People and Processes, Inc. in 2006, Jeff is a trusted advisor for the Maintenance and Reliability community. He is a conference speaker, thought leader, published in domestic and international trade journals, and co-author of “Kitting in Maintenance.” He is also the Membership Services Director for the Society of Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP).