TransCanada Turbines Test Cell repairs and services gas turbines in a unique test facility. The turbines are used primarily for compression, power generation and marine applications. After repair and servicing, the Test Cell undertakes performance tests of the turbines.
In this case, the Test Cell needed to align aeroderivative gas turbines to a steady pedestal bearing prior to the performance test.
The standard functions of the ROTALIGN touch make it ideally suited for performing this type of alignment job.
After graduating as an electro mechanical engineer, specializing in maintenance, I worked for apredictive maintenance company actively using all existing predictive maintenance technologies throughout various different industries. After a few years I started working for PRUFTECNIK Benelux as an application engineer involving high-end troubleshooting using on and offline vibration measurements. As well as, the responsibility for all online condition monitoring projects, from initial design through installation and remote monitoring. Beginning 2014 I moved to the US office of PRUFTECHNIK where we are setting up a condition monitoring department to serve the US market on all CM related topics, including proactive maintenance, remote (temporary) monitoring, trouble shooting and torque measurements.
In 2017 I had the opportunity to participate in the ISO CAT 4 Vibration class and passed the exam,
becoming one of the youngest CAT 4 analyst at that time.