AMWS3: Oil Analysis Interpretation & Case Studies

Steven Dobie, Reliability Specialist, Fluid Life


Enter the world of oil analysis interpretation; come learn from real world examples from a variety of industries, how to properly analyze and action oil analysis results. All the case studies discussed are all real world examples from both mobile fleets and stationary equipment. Using these real world examples you will gain a greater understanding of detection limits, interferences, repeatability, reproducibility and other laboratory terminology regularly used. Learn the importance of selecting a proper laboratory and what you should expect your laboratory to provide to you. This workshop will also look at examples from a systemic point of view, such as extending oil drain intervals, filtration projects, and warranty claims. Finally we will review oil analysis success stories, leading and lagging indicators, and a business case to help you maximize your return on investment of your oil analysis program.


Steven Dobie, a graduate from the University of Alberta in Materials Engineering, has been with Fluid Life for over two years. At Fluid Life he is part of the team responsible for the Condition Assessment and Reliability Evaluation (CARE) team, reviewing samples and creating maintenance actions for samples. Over his tenure at Fluid Life Steven has personally reviewed over 10,000 Samples, and created more than 3,000 maintenance actions. Additional to this, Steven regularly audits customer sites that aim to improve their oil analysis and lubrication programs. Steven also has a passion for data analysis, using his engineering background and statistical methods he is able to discover systemic issues at customer sites and affect real, measurable change.