Operator Driven Reliability is the process of using a plants operator in the reliability loop. It is a concept that requires preparation and solid process implementation to engage the organization.
We will show both the process and the tools you could use.
Abstract: Because of their proximity to equipment, operators are usually the first to detect even the slightest changes in process conditions and machinery health, including abnormal readings, odd noises, excessive heat and vibration, pressure leaks and many more. Too often, their observations go unreported or are not effectively acted upon, eventually leading to machine failures, unplanned downtime and higher operating costs. Why not enable front line operators to take a more proactive role I this era of digitalization.
Trained in Industrial Organisation & Management, and building on a broad experience as management consultant and business developer, Hanno is currently managing a team of Consultants and Engineers. Key objective is to improve asset performance through leveraging the human potential, implementing Maintenance & Reliability engineering processes, and using fit-for-purpose Information Technology.