- Tribology is the study of friction, lubrication, and wear; and it is the study of surfaces in relative motion.
- Vibration analysis is commonly used to measure the dynamic displacements, velocities, and forceful accelerations of machine components.
- In this workshop you will learn
- Gain physical understanding and appreciate for each of the eight common mechanisms of component failure (common: abrasion, adhesion, fatigue, and corrosion; less common: erosion, cavitation, electrical discharge, and deposition).
- Connect each of these mechanisms with probable root causes; and you will learn how to mitigate the individual and combined effects of these causes.
- How to use vibration analysis to detect when lubrication is effective and when it is inadequate.
- How to use vibration analysis to detect other tribology related failure mechanisms taking place.
- What are appropriate corrective actions in response to the revealed mechanisms.
- Experiments using 102.4 kHs and 204.8 kHz sampling rate vibration analyzers will demonstrate tribology mechanisms, associated vibration analysis signatures, and automated findings.
Bio - Ray Garvey

Bio - Kenneth Piety
Ken Piety is currently an independent PdM consultant. He was formerly the Vice President of Technology at Azima DLI and was responsible for the development of a new paradigm in vibration analysis tools and a second generation cloud-based vibration diagnostic center. He has been a pioneer in making vibration analysis and other condition assessment technologies useful on the factory floor for almost 40 years. He is the holder of more than 30 patents and numerous publications related to reliability-based maintenance technologies. Dr. Piety was a cofounder of CSI and was employed there for 18 years. Prior to CSI, Dr. Piety worked as a development engineer at General Electric, Technology for Energy Corporation, and at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He holds a B.S. (1970) and Ph.D. (1976) in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.