This presentation discusses how condition monitoring techniques can be used in a systematic way to increase machine availability, reduce damages and achieve operational excellence.
A complete framework is devised to be implemented to avoid catastrophic accidents and forced outage events. This framework provides a simple and systematic approach to implement activities that will ensure the integrity of plant operations. Critical equipment criteria are set through criticality analysis and analyzing actual active failure mechanisms. Under this framework, a formalized schedule is set for conducting condition assessments on the components based on the criticality analysis but there are more factors than criticality ranking to consider. This presentation covers how to start a condition monitoring program from scratch and the continual improvement mechanism in this reliability program. Condition monitoring techniques are integrated under a single platform to reap the full results of program.
A report is then generated addressing condition monitoring assessments, component life expectancies and countermeasures to avoid recurrence. RCA is also part of this framework to determine root cause of an incident. This investigation covers actual and worst cause outcome of an event.
Muhammad has a degree in Mechanical Engineer (B.E). Vibration Analyst ISO Level-I Certified by BINDT, ISO CAT-2 and CAT-3 certified by MOBIUS. He was trained as a Machinery Diagnostics Engineer by GE and has been in the diagnostics field since 8 years. Muhammad started with RECoM (A service partner of SKF Pakistan) in 2009. He provided reliability services and trainings to different clients and now is working as Assistant Manager Technical Services at Uch Power Private Limited since 2013. He has been engaged extensively in diagnostics and trainings.