1S2: Case Study: Revitalized Pulverizer Lubrication System to Achieve Lubricant Cleanliness Value

Andi Rinaldi Hasan, Operation and Maintenance Analyst, PLN Agung Sidang Kustianwan, Operation and Maintenance Analyst, PLN


One of the Predictive Maintenance (PdM) activities on rotating equipment is oil analysis which aims to ensure lubricant quality, water content, wear and contaminants in lubricants. This presentation describes efforts to improve oil quality at the pulverizer gearbox, Lontar Coal Fired Power Plant (CFPP), Lontar, Banten, Indonesia. Improved method oil quality by addition an offline filter.

Bio - Andi Rinaldi Hasan

Andi Rinaldi HasanAndi Rinaldi Hasan comes from Indonesia. He has worked in power generation industry, Coal Fired Power Plant (CFPP) since 2008. He started as an On Job Trainee (OJT) as assistant local steam operator in Suralaya CFPP. He has professional work experience in operation and maintenance scheduling equipment, condition monitoring, rotating equipment inspection and test, coal handling and fuel management, work permit and job safety analysis. Andi Rinaldi is a proactive employee with strength in communication and collaboration. His last job position as an analyst of operation and maintenance power plant in PLN reviewed and updated operation and maintenance power plant based on PLN Standard.

Bio - Agung Sidang Kustianwan

Agung Sidang KustiawanHe started his experience working as assistant local operator PT. Indonesia Power, Suralaya Coal Fired Steam Power Plant (CFPP), in 2008. His job experience during work in power plant as operator local, operator control room in operation department, condition monitoring and reliability engineer in engineering department with last position as Senior Supervisor Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) in PT. Indonesia Power, Suralaya CFPP, Banten. Now, he works in Government State Electricity Company (PT. PLN) head office, Jakarta as an analyst operation and maintenance power plant who works to create and review operation and maintenance for Standar PLN (SPLN) power plant.