The year is 2017. At a rate of 60%, most organizations have struggled with achieving a proactive reliability centered culture for over 30 years or more. The struggle continues today. The journey to reliability is not unlike crossing a vast mountain range of progressively higher peaks. In the end, we must demonstrate our ability to adapt to changing business conditions and yield monetary results while continuously ascending the peaks on that journey.
In our talk together, Jeff will share lively insights into the key points that drive a successful condition- based maintenance (CBM) implementation and sustainment effort. These include foundational and continued management support, moving beyond the low hanging fruit, answering the “worth doing?” question, measuring the wins and losses, and finally, the constant marketing of the value received.

Jeff Shiver guides people and organizations to success in the Reliability Best Practices. Working together in partnership, we move beyond the status quo in culture, business results, and most importantly, people.