Starting a vibration condition monitoring program for the two largest Deepwater Oil and Gas platforms comes with challenges. This presentation will look at four challenging cases we encountered.
1. A Ballast Pump showing inner race bearing faults even though it seldom runs – why?
2. Mist Eliminator Blowers for gas turbine exhaust experiencing repeated bearing failures – why?
3. Unbalance and structural problems on critical Atlas Copco compressors. Balancing reduced vibration levels but fluctuating vibration levels persisted – why?
4. The utilization of ODS on a Vacuum Pump and Deaerator mixer – why it was done and what was found that benefitted the site.
Graduated with a Degree in Mechanical Engineering and continued study in Masters of Engineering Management from Mapua University.
A certified ISO Category III instructor for Mobius Institute in Philippines and Malaysia. Successfully facilitated certification trainings in Vibration Analysis and practical hands-on workshops in Shaft Alignment and Machine Balancing.
Certifications includes:
• Vibration Analyst ISO Category Level III
• Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional (CMRP)
• Machine Lubricant Analyst ISO Category Level II
• Thermography Level I
Jolito worked in cement plant and helped developed a successful condition monitoring program there, after 6 years he moved to Emerson Process Management Asia Pacific Pte Ltd in Singapore and lead the Vibration Condition Monitoring team for Shell Eastern Petroleum – Pulau Bukom overseeing more than 3,000 rotating equipment ensuring reliable operations. In 2014, he then moved to Malaysia to start develop Vibration Condition Monitoring Program for Shell Deepwater Platforms.
He founded Rotadyn Solutions Inc. (www., in the Philippines to help improve the practices Vibration Condition Monitoring and Maintenance & Reliability as well.